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Privacy policies

This is your Policy notice page. The following information describes in detail the personal data protection for our subscribers, participants, organizers, and lecturers from the International Symposium of Advanced Topics on Exercise Physiology.

Our privacy policy

The Institute for Transparency, Access to Public Information and Protection of Personal Data of the State of Baja California (ITAIPBC) and the administrative area of the Faculty of Sports Campus Ensenada are solely responsible for the handling of the personal data you provide us. Your private information will be used for the following purposes:


  • Registration to the conferences of the 6th International Symposium of Advanced Topics on Exercise Physiology.

  • Generate attendance lists, participation and statistic indicators of the event.

  • Issuance of proof of participation or attendance according to the modality.

  • Communication in case of any doubt, inconvenience or emergency.


In addition, we will use your personal information for the following purposes that, although not entirely necessary, allow and facilitate us to provide you with better service, such as sending exhibition material and invitations to future events. In case you do not want your personal data to be processed for this, you can express it in the email

Also, it is informed that no transfers will be made that require your consent, except those that are necessary to meet information requirements of an authority.






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